viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018


The capital city of Scotland is the city of Edinburgh, on the east coast. The biggest city is Glasgow. Other cities in Scotland are Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Perth and Stirling.

The north of Scotland has many mountains, and few people live there. Most people live in the lowlands (Edinburgh , Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee), or around the coast. South of the central belt are the Southern Uplands, another hilly place. On the west coast and in the north are a lot of islands. The tallest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis, which is also the tallest mountain in the British Isles.
The different temperate ecosystems of Scotland harbor sixty-two species of wild mammals, including a population of wild cats, a large number of gray seals and common seals and the world's northernmost colony of bottlenose dolphins.

Traditional Scottish musical instruments include: the bagpipe, accordion, the fiddle, the harp and tin whistle.
The most outstanding sports in Scotland are Rugby, Soccer and Golf.
Here you have a list of some typical dishes of Edinburgh(Haddock: A species of hake. Kipper: Smoked herring. Neeps and tatties: Mashed radishes and potatoes).
Places to visit: Edinburgh Castle is the most emblematic building in the city. It is on a hill in the center of the Scottish capital, and was created in the 11th century. The mountain was already recognized as a meeting point for primitive peoples but the castle as it is is from the sixteenth century.

By Amedin and Rodrigo

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